Culture, education and psychological development

jose luis linaza


Construcción de identidad en la sierra de Ayabaca.


Construction of identity in the Andean highlands of Ayabaca from the use of its oral tradition in school contexts.


This book, pending its publication by the National University of Piura, in Peru, is part of a broader research project that proposed to unfold the potential role of the application of knowledge from different scientific disciplines as factors of sustainable, individual and social development, in the Sierra de Ayabaca. 

In 2013, almost a decade ago, the National University of Piura received a long Report with the results of the different teams and disciplines that participated in the Project. Some of them have been appearing in Monographs, book chapters, scientific articles and conferences and communications in different congresses. However, the most elaborate core of the results obtained is collected in this volume on the intangible heritage of the Sierra de Ayabaca. The celebration of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Peru could have been an excellent framework to claim the contribution of this heritage to the sustainable development of the country.

We referred to this development, a decade ago, as the process of “meet the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. but it was also understood asthe strengthening of capacities in the most vulnerable populations for the generation of opportunities to grow by themselves, and leave behind the situation of poverty in which they find themselves”.

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From these premises:

The ultimate goal of that interdisciplinary project was, on the one hand, to recover and value part of the tangible and intangible heritage of this area of ​​northern Peru with the purpose of contributing to its development and, on the other, to make available to the different institutions that supported it, and the population of the mountains, the results that it generated in order to promote education and tourism as social and economic resources of the communities.

Together with the development of other research works related to other disciplines, this research work in particular aims to contribute, from approaches of psychology, anthropology and education, to the construction of a positive identity of the inhabitants of the Sierra de Ayabaca from the collection, classification and analysis of data related to its intangible heritage, specifically legends, tales, fables, stories and other narratives, which can serve for a better understanding of local culture and the value and interpretation made by its members of said heritage.

Our thanks to the institutions that, together with the Education and Development Foundation of Spain, supported the project and to the many individuals, adults and children, who generously collaborated in its realization.

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Fue constituida en Madrid el 8 de febrero de 1994 e inscrita en el registro de fundaciones del Ministerio de Educación con el N° 247 por orden ministerial, el 6 de abril del mismo año se publica en el boletín del estado.

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